The part of flesh that was separated will always stay that way. New fingernail that grows out won't look pink, but rather translucent. Is this true?True/False: If the fingernail gets separated from the flesh under it, it will never grow attached to it again.
False! It will grow back and eventually look normal. Maybe look awkward for a while until it grows back all the way.True/False: If the fingernail gets separated from the flesh under it, it will never grow attached to it again.
False according to experience.
previously not long... i encountered e same problem.. i was really very afraid.. i had this thinking that my nails wont ever grow again... i didnt even believe my family members words... really after a short period of time... it started to grow again!! ugly at first.. but back to normal soon after that!! =)
false, the nail will grow out again and the nailbed will accept it.
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